This is a free resource for kids, parents, teachers and clubs to run their own Great Green Hack Week, using TEC skills to tackle plastic pollution.
Working with the Cornish Plastic Pollution Coalition and with a lot of support from other partners we have put together 3 different activities for you to have fun with. Each challenge uses different skills and can help make a difference to the world around you. To help you get on your way we have created written and video tutorials for you to follow.
Please be sure to share all of your activities with us. You can share them on Facebook or Twitter making sure you tag us into your post and using the #GGHW2021. Or you can send them to us via a direct messager.
If you prefer you can also email them across to us at info@tecgirls.co.uk, just make sure to let us know if we are OK to share them with others. We will not share anything without permission.
Day 1: Engineering
For our first challenge, it is your chance to come up with your own invention to help stop plastic pollution. Draw your designs or even make your own model of your invention.
Day 1 Activity Pack (click to open):
Day 2: Creative
Our second challenge is all about getting creative and learning new skills like graphic design and animation to help tell others how they can prevent plastic pollution. Make your own poster or have a go at a stop motion animation!
Day 2 Activity Pack (click to open):
Day 3: Coding
Our last challenge is all about coding using the BBC micro:bit to make a plastic pollution counter. You can then update your plastic findings on our Beach Clean Data map, sharing your data with the world!
Don't worry if you don't have a micro:bit you can still take part using the micro:bit mobile app!
Day 3 Activity Pack (click to open) :
Thank you very much to all of the organisations that supported this project!